
What is an electric battery and how it is constructed. Popular types of batteries: lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal hydride, lithium-ion. The main characteristics of batteries.

What is a battery and their types. Finger and little finger batteries. Characteristics of AA and AAA batteries: size, weight, capacity, amperage,...

Electrical protective equipment in electrical installations up to and above 1000 volts, types and requirements for them. Basic and additional insulating protective equipment....

How to save electricity in the apartment. Economical use of lighting in the home. How to save energy in your home. How to save energy in your home.

Rules for extinguishing live electrical equipment. Types of fire extinguishers for extinguishing, which are used when extinguishing electrical appliances. Basic rules for extinguishing electrical installations.

What is the difference between the electric power supply one-line diagram and the schematic one-line diagram. Why do you need a one-line diagram? What should be done before you start developing a document...

This article is about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation and its effects on the human body. It will be useful to those who want to measure...

How to calculate the consumption of electricity in the apartment. Types of tariffs: with and without electric meters, day-night tariff, in rural areas. Ways to...

In what cases do you need to seal an electric meter, who can seal an electric meter, regulatory documents. Types and types of seals on the meter, the cost. What.

In what electrical installations dielectric boots and galoshes are used, how to use them. Types of dielectric boots and galoshes, technical parameters and dimensions....

What is meant by the term phase-zero loop, for what loop resistance is tested. Methods and techniques for measuring the phase-zero loop, conclusion on the results...

What is considered an unauthorized connection to the power grid and how to detect an illegal connection. Penalty and criminal responsibility for unlawful connection to the electric grid....

Preparation of documents and filing an application for technological connection to the electricity grid, the conclusion of the contract. How much does it cost to connect electricity, the terms of connecting electricity...

What is ATS, its purpose, classification and principle of operation. Typical schemes of ATS cabinets, for 2 inputs on contactors, on automatic machines...

Types of electric current sources: mechanical, thermal, light and chemical current sources. The difference between a real current source and an ideal current source.