For the convenience of household and electronic appliances in the apartment installed switches and outlets. The former are two-position devices that operate in circuits up to 1000 volts and are designed to manually disconnect power to lighting elements or appliances. Socket outlets use a plug contact to connect household appliances and appliances to the plug. The location of outlets and switches in the apartment is chosen by the owners, but there are some rules for the installation of devices, which should be adhered to.
Rules of placing switches
The Soviet standards for the location of electrical fittings provide for the installation of outlets from the surface of the floor at 90 cm, switches are mounted at a height of 1.5-1.6 m from the floor. These rules remain valid today, as they have their advantages:
- a small child cannot access the electrical socket due to the high height at which the device is located;
- the sockets are convenient for plugging in equipment that requires frequent plugging in;
- sockets are within sight, adults do not have to bend over to connect the plug.
Western standards, which are followed by builders, determine the height above the floor level of 30 cm for outlets, switches Eurostandard provide for 90 cm (at the level of the lowered hand). In this case, the connectors are hidden behind the furniture. When entering the room does not need to raise your hand to turn on the light, which is also convenient.
The devices are available for three-phase and single-phase network, have different protective degrees, do not allow accidental penetration and moisture. Extension cords of the portable type with separately connected sockets, single or multiple plugs are common. Wall devices are designed with a flat spring in the form of a little resilient strip of metal for connection. Some have screw springs that work through the hold-down plate and push the forked pin to the contact.
When purchasing devices and selecting switch locations, consider that ceramic housings and internal parts last longer. Such switches have a lower fire hazard rating. By design, switches and outlets come in concealed and open type, and differ in appearance and case structure.
Planning the placement of outlets
Proper dispersal of electrical outlets increases the comfort of residents, reliably powers equipment, and evenly distributes electrical energy. There are no standard regulations that take into account the rules of the placement of outlets. There are guidelines for each room in the house regarding installation height and compliance with distances from gas mains or entrance doors.
Before starting work on laying electrical circuits to power appliances, planning is carried out. The process involves such steps in accordance with the recommended rules:
- a schematic drawing is made, indicating the arrangement of furniture and the location of electrical appliances, light bulbs and equipment;
- the scheme indicated the necessary outlets and switches, the number of the former taken 1-2 units more than the calculated;
- take into account the freedom of access to connectors, inconspicuous location behind furniture or decorative elements;
- on open walls put a few outlets at the floor, which can be easily used if necessary;
- when locating outlets in the apartment, pay attention to the opening of the front door (right or left), so as not to bypass the canvas when turning on the light;
- take into account the habits of the occupants, for example, the desire to work with a laptop on the sofa - this affects the number of outlets in this area;
- the number of electrical fittings is determined after the final agreement of the design project.
Features of the placement of outlets
Simplify the functioning of electronic and household appliances can be optimized by the location of interrupting electrical fittings. Recommended rules are collected in the "Code of Standards for Construction and Design", similar regulations are prescribed in SNiP 31 - 110 - 2003. For safety, these tips should not be neglected, taking into account common sense:
- determine the height of the switch taking into account the average height of adult family members so that the appliance key can be pressed without raising the hands;
- If choosing a height is problematic, then a relatively comfortable size of 80 cm from the floor is accepted;
- Light switches are placed on the side of the door handle at the entrance to the room;
- Sockets and switches can not be covered with a closet, which blocks their free access;
- in the hallway put switches for the bathroom, toilet, and switches for all other rooms are installed in the premises;
- To determine how to properly locate the sockets and switches that regulate decorative light, take into account the recommendations of the designer and the convenience of using the devices.
Rules of placement in different residential areas
A variety of electrical fittings are substituted not only power outlets, but also devices for connecting a television cable, radio hotspot, telephone, divider boxes. Computer connectors of local networks are provided with a number of planting sockets or contacts from 1 to 8. The socket outlet arrangement is recessed or the overhead option is selected. Optical and wired information sockets are available for carrying discrete signals of computer circuits or transmitting a digital form of sound signal.
Based on the standardized dimensions of furniture and appliances are set standards for the installation of electrical fittings. The cooking room is equipped with many appliances that were not available in previous years. Above the working surface of the kitchen set make several outlets to connect small appliances, and the TV and cooker hood are connected to the connectors located above.
Recommendations for installing outlets:
- electrical interrupting elements of the network do not install closer than 0.5 m to gas stoves, columns;
- all sockets of one group shall be equipped with an operational protective shutdown device;
- the placement of electrical outlets in the kitchen for powering stationary dishwashers, electric stoves, refrigerators, washing machines is done at 10-25 cm from the floor surface;
- the placement of outlets above the countertop is done at a height of 1.1-1.3 m, while above the working table they must be at a level of 15-20 cm;
- outlets for high-mounted equipment are installed on the wall at a height of 2.0-2.4 m from the floor covering;
- the TV socket should not be placed at the level of the screen.
Living Room
Height of outlets from the floor in the room, where the family spends a lot of time and meets guests, is taken depending on its filling with electrical appliances and modern devices. In the room there is a TV, console, audio and video equipment, media center, children's gaming gadgets, the room is equipped with a telephone, computer router, etc.
With an abundance of technology, it is important to plan the arrangement of furniture and the location of outlets, so that in the future not to look for a socket below the surface of the table. Some switches are used to connect appliances permanently, so they are hidden behind furniture. Those that are designed for regular connection, such as a vacuum cleaner, a fan, should be located in the area of free access.
In the living room, the height of plugs is provided for 15-20 cm above the table plane, the lower sockets are mounted at 30 cm above the floor. The room is equipped with a sufficient number of interrupting devices, it is recommended to use elements with the possibility of double connection, for every 4.5 - 5 m perimeter must be located on the socket. Electrical fittings are planned so that there is less use of wired extension cords.
In each resting room, bedside tables are placed by the bed, near which the switches are mounted. This choice is based on the convenience of turning on a floor lamp, a wall lamp, a clock that is present at the headboard of the bed. If there is a mirror in the room, then near it you must have a socket to connect electrical appliances for hair care at a height of 65-70 cm.
When locating outlets in the bedroom, take into account the possibility of connecting a vacuum cleaner, the elements are mounted close to the floor. To connect the air conditioner in the resting place of adults or children's room, connections are placed at a height of 2,1-2,3 m to reduce the length of the supply wire. The latest developments allow you to close the devices secure covers to limit access to a small child.
In the bathroom with high humidity, there are elements with a protective cover against splashing. Standards are recommended for the bathroom:
- lower sockets should be placed at least 15 cm from the floor to keep water out;
- to use electric hairdryers, curling irons, razors, sockets are placed at 1.1 m from the base surface near the mirror in a convenient location;
- the location of outlets in the bathroom for the washing machine is made at 1 m from the floor, while taking into account the density of filling in the room with equipment and plumbing fixtures (so that there was access to the connector);
- for the water heater switch is placed at a height of 1.8-1.9 m, sometimes the inclusion is made through a circuit breaker of the required capacity;
- sockets are not placed closer than 0.6 m from the door of the shower cabin;
- in saunas and bathhouses, switches must be placed at the entrance, and they must not be mounted directly in the steam room;
- all switches must be earthed;
- exhaust switch works from the socket at a height of 1.8 m, but more often it is directly connected to the general circuit to run when lighting.
More often hallways in apartments are elongated shape, so the switches are located at the beginning and end of the corridor. One is placed immediately at the entrance, the second is used at night when going to the bathroom. For the hallway enough two outlets to connect the vacuum cleaner at a height of 15-25 cm. Power outlets are put, if the room is installed telephone.
In the hallway are composed not only switches, but also have:
- device for voltage stabilization and regulation;
- energy meter;
- light switches in the bathroom, toilet, sometimes it takes a device for lighting in the kitchen;
- install junction box cable TV, Internet;
- In the hallway install a block of electric elements for controlling the heating system of the electric floor.
To begin the work on the energy supply of the apartment requires properly plan the location of electrical outlets, the scheme of which is made long before the finishing work. The comfort of living in a dwelling directly depends on the thoroughness of the calculations. Based on the remarks of the owners after moving into a renovated apartment, it is safe to say that there is no such thing as too many outlets and switches.
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